Life becomes out of balance when we find ourselves stuck in a constant state of stress. In the long term, continual stress wreaks havoc on our minds and bodies. While we can’t avoid all stress, thankfully we can make healthy choices and changes. The problem is that often we don’t recognize the need to change. 

My Story

Over 2 decades ago, I suddenly experienced a panic attack while in the local grocery store. It was the first one in a series of many to follow. The panic attacks increased in frequency and intensity over the next few years. So how did I get to the place of experiencing panic attacks? In part, traumatic life experiences triggered it. I unknowingly continued to feed the unnecessary stress I lived with every day.

Anxiety and stress are now a subject widely talked about. Stress, fear, and anxiety were not words I used much until stress broke me. I certainly didn’t understand the effects of it, at least not until panic struck one day in the grocery store. Anyone who has experienced a panic attack knows how horrible they are.

For a long time, I feared when the next one would come. My life plunged into a chaotic, fear-based, stressful, and anxiety-filled daily existence.It remained that way until I learned how my life got to this point. This meant I had to delve into the root causes of the anxiety and panic. I walked a healing journey that would eventually lead to my making changes that heal. 

Six ways you can start becoming healthier and reduce stress;

1. Re-evaluate your commitments.

These days, many of us are living hassled, hustled, and hurried lifestyles. Most of us try to pack all we can into our daily lives. We fill our agendas with heavy to-do lists and social events. As a result, our commitments can become unmanageable. Being always busy in a hurry will leave you feeling drained out of energy, stressed, and exhausted.

Pushing past our limits consistently will even lower your immune system and cause you to feel internal stress. When you take on less, you leave room for more time to take care of yourself.

2. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables

Processed, fatty, and sugar-contaminated foods are causing more than obesity. They also feed stress, anxiety, and even depression.

When we eat right, our minds and bodies thank us! Eating healthier can change your life. Consume foods that are as close to nature as possible. Fruits and vegetables are healing foods! They are rich in necessary vitamins and minerals. Healthy dietary habits boost the immunities that help us ward of disease.

3. Make sure you’re adequately hydrated

Do you drink enough water? Did you know that proper hydration also reduces stress? Our brains need water! When we are hydrated, our minds are clearer. You’ll think better throughout the day! Just make sure you drink good quality water and not contaminated water

4. Get proper sleep and relaxation

All of us are juggling many hats on this road called life. Many of us don’t sleep, relax, or rest enough. This turns on our internal stress responses

Step away a few times a day and rest your mind. No internet, phone, TV, or other distractions. This is a good time to pray, meditate, or do anything that helps calm your thinking.

Relaxation breathing helps to calm you and is good for your lungs and heart. Some people prefer to do this while meditating/prayer. Others like relaxation music.

All of us need to sleep! When we are sleep-deprived, it’s difficult to think clearly and causes other problems. It triggers physiological and emotional stress responses. Our immunities decrease, making it difficult to ward off common colds and diseases.

5. Be active and exercise

Due to using computers and other devices, we sit more. I work from home and am working online every day. I keep a kitchen timer set for 30 minutes. When it goes off, this reminds me to get up. I walk around, stretch, and do small tasks at different intervals. This helps me to not sit for too long at a time.

Activity and exercise are fantastic for managing and reducing stress. Doing this increases our healthy energy while turning off stress responses. 

6. Change your thoughts

Our thoughts impact how we view our lives. What you believe about yourself has the power to bind or free you. If you think you are at peace, you will eventually believe it! Similarly, thinking of yourself as a stressed-out mess will keep you there. Positive thinking results in living a healthier and happier life.

What we put into our minds each day matters.

Keeping a journal that you can write in regularly helps clear the mind of negative clutter. Journaling is a great way to release your thoughts and emotions. Doing this helps you to track your progress. 

In conclusion, consistent small changes go a long way to improving how you think, feel, and live. Over time, these changes heal the mind body and spirit. 

Join the conversation

What changes have you made in an effort to decrease stress in your life?
How did making these changes positively impact your  life and health?